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  • Twitch
  • TikTok
  • Twitter

Why did you join VERSE?

I joined VERSE because I want and feel that having a community in gaming as a minority is extremely important and gratifying.


When did you get into content creating and how has your content evolved since?

I started off streaming from my Xbox in December of 2020 where I would sit on my bed and play horror games. Now I’ve got a PC and have been working harder to make adjustments that will better entertain and stimulate communication and interaction between myself and my viewers but I know I’ve still got much to learn


What goal or milestone are you currently working on achieving?

I’m hoping to reach at least 500 followers by the end of the year currently and am looking to get into more content creating and learning new editing skills as I mostly just post content on TikTok. Ultimately I’d like to get to 1000 followers on both Twitch(248) and TikTok(377) by the end of this year.


How does gaming culture need to evolve and what would you like to see change?

For as long as I can remember gaming culture has always been toxic and hostile, especially towards women femme-presenting people and people of color and people suffering from disabilities. Most of society works in a patriarchal manner which gives men and specifically white men an advantage and incredible amount of privilege and benefit of ignorance to the true way this world works. I believe it’s important to see more women and people of color and other marginalized groups be represented more not just in video games but in content creation specifically in the gaming community. The excluded voices deserve a platform.

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